
Essay 5 Scientific Research is a Token of Humankind's Survival by Vladimir Keilis-Borok

  Scientific Research is a Token of           Humankind's Survival   UNDERESTANDING THE TEXT Answer the following question. a.  What does a scientist get instead of big money? Ans: The scientist get a freedom, camaraderie, and independence instead of a big money. b. What are the problem that the nuclear power had faced? Ans : The nuclear power had signed an agreement to stop the test of new nuclear weapons but if any of the parties had voilated this agreement and secerately made underground nuclear explosion, they will not be able to cope the situation. c. In which area did Keilis Borak's theoretical knowledge have a direct application? Ans: Keilis Borak's theoretical knowledge have a direct application in the survival of humankind by distinguishing between the tremors caused by nuclear weapons testing and by earthquakes. d. What was the important decision that the politicians took  before Geneva Summit? Ans: The important decision that was made by the politician before G

Poem 2 A Red, Red Rose by Robert Burns

 A Red, Red Rose UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT   ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION a. To which two things does the speaker compare his love in the first stanza? Ans: The speaker compare his love in the first stanza with red rose and melody. b. What does the speaker promises in the second & third stanzas ? Ans:. The promise that he love his beloved till all the seas goes dry. He also promises to love her till the rocks melt with the sun. c. What imagery does he use in his promise, and why do you think he uses such language? Ans: He used sea, rocks and sand in his promises. He used these imagery to express his love & promise her beloved that he will love her till the seas goes dry,rocks melts with sun ans sand of life is over. d. In the last stanza, what event is about to happen by mentioning the number of miles? Ans: In the last stanza, the speaker used number of miles to say that if they are seperated by any reasons the speaker will still love her & come again to his beloved. e. Whi

Poem 1 Corona Says by Vishnu S. Rai

  CORONA SAYS   UNDERSTANDIN G THE TEXT ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION. a. Who is the speaker in the poem? ans. Vishnu S. Rai has personalized corona in the poem. So, corona is the speaker in the poem. b. Who claims that they are superior to all? ans. Humans claims that they are superior to all. c. Why has the speaker come to the Earth? ans. The speaker has came to the Earth to realise us how caged animals feel in a zooand to give a little rest to the mother earth. d. What positive changes have occurred on Earth after the speaker's visit? ans. We are able to see the clear blue sky without dust and smoke, realise how caged animals feel in zoo and the earth have get a little rest after the speaker's visit. REFERENCE TO THE CONTEXT a. What does the speaker mean when he says: But have you ever counted How many have died so far Because of you and your wars? ans. The given extractis taken from Vishnu S. Rai poem, "Corona Says". Here, the speaker of the poem is Corona because