Essay 5 Scientific Research is a Token of Humankind's Survival by Vladimir Keilis-Borok

 Scientific Research is a Token of 

         Humankind's Survival



Answer the following question.

a. What does a scientist get instead of big money?

Ans: The scientist get a freedom, camaraderie, and independence instead of a big money.

b. What are the problem that the nuclear power had faced?

Ans: The nuclear power had signed an agreement to stop the test of new nuclear weapons but if any of the parties had voilated this agreement and secerately made underground nuclear explosion, they will not be able to cope the situation.

c. In which area did Keilis Borak's theoretical knowledge have a direct application?

Ans: Keilis Borak's theoretical knowledge have a direct application in the survival of humankind by distinguishing between the tremors caused by nuclear weapons testing and by earthquakes.

d. What was the important decision that the politicians took  before Geneva Summit?

Ans: The important decision that was made by the politician before Geneva Summit was to ban the nuclear test so that humankind will survive.

e. What are the natural and man-made disasters as mentioned by the author?

Ans:- Earthquakes, self-inflicted destruction of megacities environment catastrophes, economic and Social crisis are natural where as massive release of radioactivity from a nuclear waste disposal, an earthquake in the middle of megalopolis, outbrust of mass violence and other global disaster are examples of man-made disasters.

Reference to the context.
A. The professional addressed as 'you' in the sentence, "If you are cleaver, why are you so poor?" refer to a (i).lawyer (ii).doctor (iii). scientist (iv) businessman. Ans: The professional addressed as 'you' in the sentence "If you are cleaver, why are you so poor?" refers to a scientist because The profession like lawyer, doctor and bussiness man enjoy much income, they are rewardey with freedom, camaraderie and independence. The honours and promotion will depend in the research and their knowledge more than in other occupation. So, you refers to a scientist.

B. The writer say "I found myself in Geneva." What does it express? Ans:The writer" Mr. Vladimir Kellis-Borok" was an Scientist who does reaserch on the theory of seismic waves - tremors in the earth generated by an earthquake. At that time, there was a problem connected with the theory of seismic waves in Genevar. So, the technical experts from Soviet Union, US and UK - three powers possessing nuclear weapon had given a letter from Geneva requesting him to come there. Thus, he went to Geneva. So, in this sense the writer said that he found himself in Geneva.

C.Are the following statement true? why why not? Discuss with your partner.

i. Money is more powerful than intellectual resources.
Ans. This statement is not true money is not permanent and intellectual resourses areparmanent it always gives productive results.Money can be lost but intellectual resourses cannot be lost and it can also result to money, success, respect from world. ii. Intellectual resources help survival of the mankind.

Ans: This statement is true intellectual resourses helps in survival of mankind by solving the problem of humankind. some past examples are antibiotics, electronics, green revolution, effecient defence from terrorism, etc.

iii. Basic research is way of stalling disasters.

Ans: This statement is true. Basic research provides the solution to many disaster.Basis research could give us new sources of energy, new mineral deposits, efficient defence from terrorism,cure from cancer and new form of transportation. D. How does the essayist justity that scientific research is the humankind's survival. Ans: The essayist "Mr. Vladmir Keilis-Borok" beleive that scientific Research is a Token of Humankind's survival. In this essay he have shown how scientific research has prevented a great disaster by distuinguishing between earth tremors due to nuclear explosións and generated by earthquakes. He has also given some past examples of scientific research which helps in humankind's survival such as antibiotics, electronics, biotechnology, synthetic fibre, the green revolution & gentic forensic diagonsis The scientific reaserch could also give us new sources of energy; new mineral deposits; efficient defence from terrorism; cure from Cancer; new forms of transportation, etc. In this way, he justified that scientific reserch is for humankind's survival.

E. what can be the purpose of the essayist of using quotations in the essay?

Ans: The purpose of using quotations in the essay is to support this argument and ideas in the essay that scientific research are the token of Human's survival. The quotations in the essay makes the reading intersting for the readers and it also strengthen his points.Thus, the main purpose of the essayist of using quotations in the essay is to make readers easily understand and know how simple scientific reserch have changed human life in positive ways. F. Discuss and illustrate the writer's stand that scientists are the most practical people in the world. Ans: Truely, the scientists are the most practical people in the world. They are the people who connect their knowledge to the practical life and does invention in help in humankind's survival. All new technology, all new bands of industry from defence to entertainment stream fundamental research. Among past examples are anti-biotics, electronics, biotechnology, synthetic fibres, the genetic forensic diagnosis and green revolution etc. Now, also they are doing research to find new energy sources, new minerals deposits, cure from cancer, etc. Thus scientists are the most practical people in the world.

Reference beyond the text

A. Everyone live under the fear of annihilation by nuclear weapons. Explain this statement.

Ans: The writer is talking about the cold war in these given lines. At that time every people have fear of annihilation by nuclear weapons. Each superpower had more than enough nuclear bombs to destroy the other in first strike. But it takes 20 minutes to reach the targets, the other side had plenty of time to launch retaliation strikes ensuring destruction of enemy few minutes later. This threat creates fear in the people and they introduced even stronger bombs and started testing them which resulted earth tremors and fear in the life of people.

B. The essayist says 'While there is science, there is hope of survival and well being for all of us'. Explain it.

Ans: The essayist belive that science is for the humankind and while there is science, there is hope of survival and well-being for all of us. Science help in development of new technology and brands of industry. Science have helped in survival of humankind by developing antibiotics, electronics, biotechnology, synthetic fibres, the green revolution and genetic forensic diagnosis. Science is not only limited to this, scientist are doing many research for survival of humankind. They are trying to find new energy source, new mineral deposits, effective defence from terrorism, cure from cancer, new form of transportation, etc through which our life can be made easy and comfortable. Thus, the essayist have said that while there is science, there is hope of survival and well being for all of us.

C. Is science a blessing or a curse? Write an essay on it.

Ans:                                ' Science as a blessing or a curse'
Science is the application of knowledge and understanding of natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence.Since is both blessing and curse at the same time. Like newton said "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction", Every thing has its good and bad side. Science is life. Without science nothing is possible.

Science has developed many technology for survival of humankind. It has helped in each and every sector. It has helped in development of  antibiotics, electronics, biotechnology, synthetic fibres, the green revolution and genetic forensic diagnosis and many other areas. Science always develops new technology and brand to improve the living standard of people. They are doing many research to find new source of energy; new mineral deposits; efficient defence from terrorism; cure from cancer; new form of transportation, etc.

Likewise, Science has many side effects too. The development and testing of nuclear bomb degrates our nature and disturb our life, connstruction of road causes deforestation, the wastes of hospital and industry creates land, soil and air pollution. So, sceince has both negative and positive impacts.   


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